Guía Pokémon Espada y Escudo: localización de todos los Pokémon

María Pastoriza
Game Freak

Hay muchos Pokémon en Espada y Escudo. Y muchos lugares dentro de la región de Galar para atraparlos. Nuestra guía de ubicaciones te permite conocer los lugares donde puedes encontrarlos. Aquí tienes la localización de todos los Pokémon.

Con 400 Pokémon en la Pokedex de Galar, no será fácil ‘hacerte a todos’. Dada la versión de especies exclusivas entre Pokémon Espada y Escudo, en realidad no es posible atraparlos a todos sin ayuda.

Hay muchas tierras para explorar dentro de Galar. En algunos casos, hay especies que solo aparecerán en un lugar en particular y pueden tener una tasa de generación tan baja como 2%. Un ejemplo de esto es Charmander. El clima en el juego también determina qué Pokémon aparecerá.

A menudo, y a pesar de que la Pokédex no sea tan extensa, dar con la localización de todos los Pokémon que nos interesan es complicado.

La tabla a continuación enumera la localización de todos los Pokémon. Combina tanto Espada como Escudo. Apúntate bien las rutas donde aparece tu Pokémon favorito y prepara unas cuantas Pokéballs.

Game FreakMuchos Pokémon aparecen en la zona silvestre, pero otros están ocultos.

En la tabla tienes los Pokémon que aparecen en la zona silvestre y los que están ocultos. Es decir, aquellos que verás por el camino, como este Onyx que tienes arriba, y los que tendrás que buscar más concienzudamente. A continuación tenéis la tabla con la localización de todos los Pokémon de Galar.

Localización de todos los Pokémon

Pokémon A la vista Ocultos
1 Grookey Inicial Inicial
2 Thwackey Inicial Inicial
3 Rillaboom Inicial Inicial
4 Scorbunny Inicial Inicial
5 Raboot Inicial Inicial
6 Cinderace Inicial Inicial
7 Sobble Inicial Inicial
8 Drizzile Inicial Inicial
9 Inteleon Inicial Inicial
10 Blipbug Ruta 2, Giant’s Cap (3), Slubering Weald Ruta 1, Ruta 2, Slumbering Weald
11 Dottler Giant’s Cap (2) Ruta 5, Stony Wilderness, Giant’s Mirror, Giant’s Cap
12 Orbeetle Slumbering Weald Lake of Outrage, Slumbering Weald
13 Caterpie Ruta 1
14 Metapod Rolling Fields Rolling Fields
15 Butterfree Giant’s Mirror, Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell Slumbering Weald
16 Grubbin East Lake Axwell, Slumbering Weald Ruta 1, Dappled Grove, Slumbering Weald
17 Charjabug Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills
18 Vikavolt Ruta 1, Ruta 2, Slumbering Weald
19 Hoothoot Dappled Grove, Giant’s Cap (2) Ruta 1, Ruta 2, Slumbering Weald
20 Noctowl Motostoke Outskirts, Giant’s Cap Motostoke Riverbank
21 Rookidee Ruta 1, Ruta 2, Motostoke Riverbank, Slumbering Weald Ruta 2, Ruta 3, Slumbering Weald
22 Corvisquire Giant’s Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills Motostoke Riverbank
23 Corviknight Slumbering Weald Ruta 7, Lake of Outrage
24 Skwovet Ruta 1, Ruta 2, Slumbering Weald Ruta 1, Rolling Fields
25 Greedent Axew’s Eye, Ruta 6
26 Pidove Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell Watchtower Ruins
27 Tranquill Giant’s Mirror Giant’s Seat
28 Unfezant Hammerlocke Hills, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness Axew’s Eye
29 Nickit Ruta 1, Ruta 2, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl
30 Thievul Ruta 7 Bridge Field
31 Zigzagoon Ruta 2, Ruta 3, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness
32 Linoone Giant’s Cap
33 Obstagoon Lake of Outrage
34 Wooloo Ruta 1, Motostoke Riverbank Ruta 4
35 Dubwool Motostoke Riverbank
36 Lotad West Lake Axwell Ruta 2, Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove
37 Lombre Dappled Grove Giant’s Seat, Ruta 5, Giant’s Cap
38 Ludicolo
39 Seedot West Lake Axwell Ruta 2, Dappled Grove
40 Nuzleaf Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch Rolling Fields, Giant’s Seat
41 Shiftry
42 Chewtle Stony Wilderness (3), Giant’s Cap (3) City of Motostoke, Lake of Outrage, Town of Hulbury
43 Drednaw Giant’s Cap Bridge Field, Giant’s Mirror
44 Purrloin Dappled Grove, West Lake Axwell, Motostoke Riverbank Ruta 2, Watchtower Ruins
45 Liepard Giant’s Cap Axew’s Eye, Ruta 9
46 Yamper Ruta 2, Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl, Stony Wilderness (2)
47 Boltund Motostoke Riverbank, Lake of Outrage
48 Bunnelby Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove, West Lake Axwell, Giant’s Cap (3) Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove
49 Diggersby Giant’s Cap Axew’s Eye, Giant’s Seat
50 Minccino Giant’s Cap Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell
51 Cinccino
52 Bounsweet Stony Wilderness (3) Rolling Fields, Watchtower Ruins
53 Steenee Axew’s Eye
54 Tsareena
55 Oddish Dappled Grove, East Lake Axwell Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell
56 Gloom Giant’s Cap, Hammerlocke Hills Axew’s Eye
57 Vileplume
58 Bellossom
59 Budew West Lake Axwell Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell
60 Roselia Axew’s Eye, South Lake Miloch
61 Roserade
62 Wingull Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch, East Lake Axwell Rolling Fields, West Lake Axwell
63 Pelipper Ruta 9 Axew’s Eye, Dusty Bowl
64 Joltik South Lake Miloch, Giant’s Mirror Rolling Fields, Giant’s Seat
65 Galvantula Ruta 7, Lake of Outrage
66 Electrike Rolling Fields, Giant’s Seat Rolling Fields, East Lake Axwell
67 Manetric Hammerlocke Hills Axew’s Eye, Giant’s Seat
68 Vulpix Ruta 1, South Lake Miloch, Route 3 Ruta 2, East Lake Axwell
69 Ninetales Lake of Outrage
70 Growlithe Dusty Bowl Hammerlocke Hills
71 Arcanine
72 Vanillite Ruta 2, West Lake Axwell Rolling Fields, West Lake Axwell
73 Vanillish Ruta 8, Dusty Bowl Axew’s Eye, Ruta 10
74 Vanilluxe Ruta 10, Lake of Outrage
75 Swinub Dusty Bowl Rolling Fields, Hammerlocke Hills
76 Piloswine Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
77 Mamoswine
78 Delibird Ruta 1, Watchtower Ruins Ruta 2, Giant’s Seat
79 Snorunt East Lake Axwell, Giant’s Seat Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch
80 Glalie Ruta 9, Lake of Outrage
81 Froslass
82 Baltoy East Lake Axwell, Stony Wilderness Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch
83 Claydol Axew’s Eye Lake of Outrage
84 Mudbray East Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch Rolling Fields, North Lake Miloch
85 Mudsdale Axew’s Eye Giant’s Seat
86 Dwebble West Lake Axwell, North Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness (2) Rolling Fields, Giant’s Seat
87 Crustle Axew’s Eye Axew’s Eye
88 Golett Watch Tower Ruins, Ruta 8, Stony Wilderness Watchtower Ruins, Giant’s Cap
89 Golurk Lake of Outrage
90 Munna East Lake Axwell, Stony Wilderness (2) Rolling Fields, Giant’s Cap
91 Musharna
92 Natu Giant’s Seat, Giant’s Mirror Rolling Fields, South Lake Miloch
93 Xatu Giant’s Seat
94 Stufful East Lake Axwell, Bridge Field Dappled Grove, North Lake Miloch
95 Bewear Axew’s Eye Giant’s Seat
96 Snover Axew’s Eye, Ruta 10 Dappled Grove, Giant’s Cap
97 Abomsanow Lake of Outrage Dusty Bowl, Ruta 10
98 Krabby West Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch West Lake Axwell
99 Kingler Axew’s Eye Ruta 9
100 Wooper West Lake Axwell, Stony Wilderness (3) West Lake Axwell
101 Quagsire Giant’s Cap Giant’s Seat
102 Corphish South Lake Miloch South Lake Miloch
103 Crawdaunt Axew’s Eye Axew’s Eye
104 Nincada West Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch
105 Ninjask Stony Wilderness, Stony Wilderness (2)
106 Shedinja
107 Tyrogue Rolling Fields, Rolling Fields (2), South Lake Miloch (2) West Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch
108 Hitmonlee Dusty Bowl
109 Hitmonchan Dusty Bowl
110 Hitmontop Lake of Outrage
111 Pancham East Lake Axwell, Rolling Fields (2) West Lake Axwell
112 Pangoro Lake of Outrage
113 Klink West Lake Axwell, North & South Lake Milloch Hammerlocke Hills
114 Klang Ruta 10, Dusty Bowl
115 Klinklang Lake of Outrage
116 Combee Rolling Fields, Rolling Fields (2)
117 Vespiquen
118 Bronzor Axew’s Eye, Giant’s Seat Giant’s Seat
119 Bronzong Axew’s Eye Dusty Bowl
120 Ralts Rolling Fields, Dappled Grove Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch
121 Kirlia
122 Gardevoir Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
123 Gallade
124 Drifloon Watch Tower Ruins, South Lake Miloch Watchtower Ruins
125 Drifblim Axew’s Eye
126 Gossifleur Ruta 3, Motostoke Riverbank Ruta 2
127 Eldegoss Dusty Bowl
128 Cherubi Rolling Fields, Watchtower Ruins
129 Cherrim
130 Stunky North & South Lake Miloch Dappled Frove, North Lake Miloch
131 Skuntank Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
132 Tympole Dappled Grove, West Lake Axwell Dappled Grove, South Lake Miloch
133 Palpitoad Giant’s Seat, Dusty Bowl Bridge Field
134 Seismitoiad Axew’s Eye Ruta 7
135 Duskull Watchtower Ruins, Giant’s Seat Watchtower Ruins
136 Dusclops Ruta 8
137 Dusknoir
138 Machop South Lake Miloch, Stony Wilderness (3) Watchtower Ruins, South Lake Miloch
139 Machoke Axew’s Eye, Hammerlocke Hills Giant’s Seat, Hammerlocke Hills
140 Machamp
141 Gastly Watchtower Ruins, Giant’s Seat Watchtower Ruins, North Lake Miloch
142 Haunter Giant’s Seat, Ruta 8
143 Gengar
144 Magikarp South Lake Miloch, West Lake Axwell Ruta 2, Ruta 5, North Lake Miloch
145 Gyarados Ruta 2 Dusty Bowl, Giant’s Cap
146 Goldeen West & East Lake Axwell East & West Lake Axwell
147 Seaking
148 Remoraid West Lake Axwell West Lake Axwell, South Lake Miloch
149 Octillery Ruta 9 Axew’s Eye, Ruta9
150 Shellder West & East Lake Axwell East Lake Axwell, Giant’s Seat
151 Cloyster Giant’s Seat
152 Feebas Ruta 2
153 Milotic
154 Basculin Motostoke Riverbank Giant’s Seat, Motostoke Riverbank, Town of Hulbury
155 Wishiwashi East & West Lake Axwell, Town of Hulbury
156 Pyukumuku South Lake Miloch, Ruta 9 South Lake Miloch, Giant’s Seat, Ruta 9
157 Trubbish Ruta 3
158 Garbodor Lake of Outrage
159 Sizzlipede Ruta 3
160 Centiskorch
161 Rolycoly Galar Mine, Route 3, Giant’s Cap Galar Mine
162 Carkol Giant’s Cap Bridge Field, Route 10
163 Coalossal Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
164 Diglett Rolling Fields Galar Mine, Giant’s Mirror
165 Dugtrio Giant’s Mirror Dusty Bowl, Hammerlocke Hills
166 Drilbur Galar Mine, Dusty Bowl Galar Mine, Stony Wilderness
167 Excadrill Lake of Outrage, Giant’s Mirror
168 Roggenrola Rolling Fields, Stony Wilderness (2) Galar Mine, Motostoke Outskirts
169 Boldore Lake of Outrage, Giant’s Mirror Stony Wilderness
170 Gigalith
171 Timburr Galar Mine Galar Mine
172 Gurdurr Ruta 8 Stony Wilderness
173 Conkeldurr
174 Woobat Giant’s Mirror, Watchtower Ruins Galar Mine
175 Swoobat
176 Noibat Galar Mine 2, Watchtower Ruins Bridge Field, Galar Mine 2
177 Noivern Lake of Outrage
178 Onix East Lake Axwell, Giant’s Seat, Motostoke Riverbank
179 Steelix
180 Arrokuda Motostoke Riverbank Ruta 2, Motostoke Riverbank, Town of Hulbury
181 Barraskewda Lake of Outrage, Route 2 Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl
182 Meowth Ruta 4 Ruta 4
183 Perrserker Ruta7 Ruta 9, Lake of Outrage
184 Persian
185 Milcery Ruta 4, Bridge Field, Giant’s Mirror
186 Alcremie
187 Cutiefly Galar Mine 2, Bridge Field Ruta 4
188 Ribombee Stony Wilderness
189 Ferroseed Stony Wilderness (1) (2) (3) Motostoke Riverbank, Ruta 4
190 Ferrothorn Dusty Bowl
191 Pumpkaboo Ruta 4, Giant’s Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills
192 Gourgeist
193 Pichu
194 Pikachu Ruta 4, Stony Wilderness (1) (2) (3) Stony Wilderness
195 Raichu
196 Eevee Ruta 4
197 Vaporeon
198 Jolteon
199 Flareon
200 Espeon
201 Umbreon
202 Leafeon
203 Glaceon
204 Sylveon
205 Applin Ruta 5, Stony Wilderness, Dusty Bowl, Giant’s Mirror
206 Frapple
207 Appletun
208 Espurr Motostoke Riverbank, Hammerlocke Hills
209 Meowstic Ruta 7, Dusty Bowl
210 Swirlix Ruta 5, Glimwood Tangle, Giant’s Mirror Ruta 5, Glimwood Tangle, Stony Wilderness
211 Slurpuff
212 Spritzee Ruta 5, Glimwood Tangle, Giant’s Mirror Ruta 5, Glimwood Tangle, Stony Wilderness
213 Aromatisse
214 Dewpider Stony Wilderness (2) (3) Ruta 5
215 Araquanid Lake of Outrage
216 Wynaut
217 Wobbufffet Ruta 5, Hammerlocke Hills Bridge Field
218 Farfetch’d Ruta 5, Giant’s Hill
219 Sirfetch’d
220 Chinchou West and East Lake Axwell Town of Hulbury, Giant’s Mirror
221 Lanturn Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
222 Croagunk Galar Mine 2, Dusty Bowl Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Outskirts
223 Toxicroak Stony Wilderness (2)
224 Scraggy Galar Mine 2, Bridge Field, Giant’s Cap (2)
225 Scrafty Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Outskirts
226 Stunfisk Galar Mine 2, Dusty Bowl
227 Shuckle Watchtower Ruins, Giant’s Cap (2) (3) Galar Mine 2, Stony Wilderness
228 Barboach North & South Lake Miloch North & South Lake Miloch, Galar Mine 2
229 Whiscash Slumbering Weald
230 Shellos Galar Mine 2, Dusty Bowl, Giant’s Mirror Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field
231 Gastrodon Ruta 9 Ruta 9
232 Wimpod Galar Mine 2, Motostoke Riverbank Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Galar Mine 2
233 Golisopod Lake of Outrage
234 Binacle Galar Mine 2 Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Galar Mine 2
235 Barbaracle Ruta 9 Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
236 Corsola Giant’s Mirror
237 Cursola
238 Impidimp Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness, Giant’s Mirror
239 Morgrem Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle
240 Grimmsnarl Lake of Outrage
241 Hatenna Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness (2) Hammerlocke Hills
242 Hattrem Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle, Dusty Bowl
243 Hatterene Lake of Outrage
244 Salandit Stony Wilderness (1) (3)
245 Salazzle
246 Pawniard Motostoke Riverbank, Route 8, Giant’s Mirror Motostoke Riverbank, Motostoke Outskirts, Stony Wilderness
247 Bisharp Lake of Outrage
248 Throh Motostoke Outskirts, Bridge Field, Giant’s Mirror
249 Sawk Motostoke Outskirts, Giant’s Mirror
250 Koffing Motostoke Riverbank, Dusty Bowl Giant’s Mirror
251 Weezing Lake of Outrage, Slumbering Weald Slumbering Weald
252 Bonsly Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness (2)
253 Sudowoodo Motostoke Outskirts, Hammerlocke Hills Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl
254 Cleffa
255 Clefairy Motostoke Riverbank, Giant’s Cap (2)
256 Clefable
257 Togepi Bridge Field
258 Togetic Stony Wilderness
259 Togekiss Dusty Bowl
260 Munchlax Motostoke Riverbank
261 Snorlax
262 Cottonee Stony Wilderness
263 Whimsicott
264 Rhyhorn Motostoke Riverbank, Giant’s Mirror Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness
265 Rhydon Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
266 Rhyperior
267 Gothita Giant’s Cap (1) (2)
268 Gothorita Giant’s Cap (3), Dusty Bowl
269 Gothitelle Lake of Outrage
270 Solosis Giant’s Cap (1) (2) (3)
271 Duosion Dusty Bowl
272 Reuniclus Lake of Outrage
273 Karrablast Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills
274 Escavalier
275 Shelmet Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field, Ruta 7
276 Accelgor
277 Elgyem Bridge Field Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field
278 Beheeyem Lake of Outrage
279 Cubchoo Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness
280 Beartic Ruta 10
281 Rufflet Ruta 8, Stony Wilderness (2) Bridge Field
282 Braviary Dusty Bowl
283 Vullaby Ruta 8, Stony Wilderness (2) Bridge Field
284 Mandibuzz Dusty Bowl, Lake of Outrage
285 Skorupi Motostoke Riverbank Motostoke Riverbank, Ruta 6
286 Drapion Lake of Outrage Ruta 8
287 Litwick Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field
288 Lampent Lake of Outrage
289 Chandelure
290 Inkay Ruta 7, Dusty Bowl and Giant’s Mirror Bridge Field, Hammerlocke Hills
291 Malamar
292 Sneasel Motostoke Riverbank, Hammerlocke Hills Motostoke Riverbank, Bridge Field
293 Weavile
294 Sableye Dusty Bowl
295 Mawile Dusty Bowl Bridge Field
296 Maractus Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness (2)
297 Sigilyph Lake of Outage, Stony Wilderness Motostoke Riverbank
298 Riolu Giant’s Cap (1) (2) (3)
299 Lucario
300 Torkoal Motostoke Riverbank, Giant’s Cap (1) (2) (3) Ruta 6, Giant’s Mirror
301 Mimikyu Giant’s Mirror
302 Cufant Bridge Field
303 Copperajah Lake of Outrage
304 Qwilfish Ruta 9, Bridge Field Bridge Field, Dusty Bowl
305 Frillish West Lake Axwell, North Lake Miloch
306 Jellicent Ruta 9 Lake of Outrage
307 Mareanie Ruta 9, Motostoke Riverbank Motostoke Riverbank, Giant’s Mirror
308 Toxapex Ruta 9
309 Cramorant Bridge Field, Stony Wilderness (1) (3) Ruta 9, Lake of Outrage
310 Toxel Motostoke Riverbank, Stony Wilderness Route 7, Stony Wilderness
311 Toxtricity
312 Silicobra Ruta 6
313 Sandaconda Ruta 8, Lake of Outrage
314 Hippopotas Dusty Bowl Ruta 6
315 Hippowdon Ruta 8, Giant’s Mirror, Lake of Outrage
316 Durant Giant’s Mirror Ruta 6
317 Heatmor Giant’s Mirror Ruta 6
318 Helioptile Ruta 6, Giant’s Mirror
319 Heliolisk
320 Hawlucha Ruta 6, Hammerlocke Hills
321 Trapinch Ruta 6
322 Vibrava
323 Flygon Lake of Outrage
324 Axew Axew’s Eye
325 Fraxure
326 Haxorus Lake of Outrage
327 Yamask Ruta 6
328 Runerigus
329 Cofagrigus
330 Honedge Hammerlocke Hills Hammerlocke Hills
331 Doublade Lake of Outrage
332 Aegislash
333 Ponyta Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle
334 Rapidash
335 Sinistea Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle
336 Polteageist
337 Indeedee Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle, Lake of Outrage
338 Phantump Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle
339 Trevenant
340 Morelull Giant’s Mirror, Hammerlocke Hills
341 Shiinotic Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle
342 Oranguru Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle
343 Passimian Glimwood Tangle Glimwood Tangle
344 Morepeko Ruta 9
345 Falinks Ruta 8, Lake of Outrage
346 Drampa Lake of Outrage
347 Turtonator Lake of Outrage
348 Togedemaru Ruta 8 Lake of Outrage
349 Snom Ruta 8 Ruta 8, Ruta 10, Lake of Outrage
350 Frosmoth
351 Clobbopus Ruta 9
352 Grapploct
353 Pincurchin Ruta 9
354 Mantyke Motostoke Riverbank, Lake of Outrage Ruta 9
355 Matine Lake of Outrage Ruta 9
356 Wailmer Ruta 9 Ruta 9
357 Wailord Ruta 9
358 Bergmite Ruta 9
359 Avalugg
360 Dhelmise Ruta 9
361 Lapras Ruta 9
362 Lunatone Ruta 8, Giant’s Cap
363 Solrock Ruta 8, Giant’s Cap
364 Mime Jr.
365 Mr. Mime Ruta 10 Lake of Outrage
366 Mr. Rime
367 Darumaka Ruta 8, Ruta 10
368 Darmanitan
369 Stonjourner Lake of Outrage, Ruta 10
370 Eiscue Lake of Outrage, Ruta 10
371 Duraludon Ruta 10 Lake of Outrage
372 Rotom Lake of Outrage
373 Ditto Lake of Outrage Lake of Outrage
374 Dracozolt
375 Arctozolt
376 Dracovish
377 Arctovish
378 Charmander Regalo
379 Charmeleon
380 Charizard
381 Type: Null
382 Silvally
383 Larvitar Lake of Outrage
384 Pupitar Lake of Outrage
385 Tyranitar
386 Deino Lake of Outrage
387 Zweilous
388 Hydreigon
389 Goomy Lake of Outrage
390 Sliggoo Lake of Outrage
391 Goodra
392 Jangmo-o Lake of Outrage
393 Hakamo-o Lake of Outrage
394 Kommo-o
395 Dreepy Lake of Outrage
396 Drakloak Lake of Outrage
397 Dragapult
398 Zacian Legendario
399 Zamazenta Legendario
400 Eternatus Legendario

Esperamos haberos facilitado la localización de todos los Pokémon en los que estáis interesados. Esta tabla ha llevado bastante trabajo, y hemos dejado las localizaciones con su nombre original para que os pueda ser más sencillo encontrarlas a través de motores de búsqueda. Si no tenéis claro dónde se encuentran en el mapa. Cualquier error que podáis encontrar, no dudéis en comentárnoslo a través de las redes sociales.

Para obtener porcentajes y ver cómo afecta el clima, podéis usar la información de mineros de datos que podéis encontrar aquí:

Esperamos que os haya servido nuestra tabla con la localización de todos los Pokémon.