Recetas de Infinite Craft: cómo hacer todas las combinaciones

Si hay alguna combinación de receta en Infinite Craft que se te está haciendo bola te traemos todas las combinaciones para que te sea más fácil conseguir lo que buscas.
Hay todo tipo de videojuegos de navegador web que son muy divertidos y para los que no tienes que instalarte nada. Uno de ellos es el Wordle, donde tienes que adivinar palabras, sin embargo, en otros tienes que crear cosas a partir de combinaciones, como es el caso de Infinite Craft.
Infinite Craft sigue la estela de Little Alchemy pero mucho más moderno e incluyendo memes populares en varios idiomas. Por ello, si estás deseando saber cómo crear a Messi o a Shrek te traemos todas las recetas de Infinite Craft.
Todas las recetas de Infinite Craft
Abominable Snowman | Water | Yeti |
Adam | Mud | Venus |
Africa | Continent | Swamp |
Air Conditioner | Cold | Engine |
Aircraft Carrier | Battleship | Battleship |
Airship | Steampunk Pirate | Wind |
Alchemist | Philosopher | Fire |
Alfred | Batman | Wisdom |
Alien | Lava Lamp | Lunar |
Allergy | Pollen | Surf |
Aloha | Hawaii | Leaf |
Alpha | Wolf | Wolf Pack |
Amazon | Jungle | River |
Amber | Cologne | Fossil |
America | Rainbow | Continent |
Ammonite | Fossil | Roll |
Android | Software | Planet |
Angel | Incense | Prayer |
Animal | Earth | Zoo |
Animal Kingdom | Zoo | Disney |
Anime | Japan | America |
Anniversary | Birthday | Marriage |
Antarctica | Continent | Ice |
Antique | Vintage | Time |
Ape | Monkey | Monkey |
Apocalypse | God | Nuke |
Apple | Fruit | Adam |
Apple Juice | Apple | Rain |
Apple Pie | Fruit Tree | America |
Area | Number | Land |
Argentina | Country | Messi |
Ariel | Whale | Vase |
Arnold Schwarzenegger | Terminator | Weed |
Arsonist | Stalker | Fire |
Art | Drawing | Mountain |
Artificial Intelligence | Technology | Art |
Asia | Ash | Continent |
Ash | Fire | Tree |
Atlantis | Island | Ocean |
Atlas | Titan | Earth |
Australia | Continent | Surf |
Avalanche | Wind | Mountain |
Baby | Family | Human |
Baby Dinosaur | Dinosaur | Egg |
Baby Lovebird | Lovebird | Lovebird |
Baby Polar Bear | Polar Bear | Polar Bear |
Bacon | Pig | Fire |
Baconator | Volcano | Bacon |
Baconcorn | Bacon | Unicorn |
Baconasaurus | Baconcorn | T-Rex |
Baconasaurus Rex | Baconasaurus | Baconasaurus |
Bacon Zeus | Baconasaurus | Zeus |
Balloon | Wind | Wine |
Banana Boat | Banana | Ship |
Banana Split | Banana | Banana |
Bankrupt | Titanic | Money |
Bar | Drunk | Money |
Barackasaurus | Dinosaur | Obama |
Barbecue | Fire | Pork |
Bat | Black | Vampire |
Batman | Bat | Bat |
Battle | War | War |
Battleship | Tank | Ship |
Bear | Cubs | Cubs |
Beauty and the Beast | Beauty | King Kong |
Bellini | Peach | Rum |
Berserker | Viking | Monster |
Best Friend | Friend | Friend |
Big Bang | Time | Universe |
Bigfoot | Golem | Loch Ness Monster |
Bionic Bud | Cyborg | Weed |
Bird | Kite | Flying |
Birthday Cake | Cake | Cake |
Bitcoin | Cryptocurrency | Crown |
Black Hole | Galaxy | Galaxy |
Blackbear | Pirate Ship | Time Travel |
Blizzard | Snow | Wind |
Boat | Water | Tractor |
Bog | Swamp | Swamp |
Bomb | Explosion | Energy |
Bonsai | Japan | Tree |
Book | Paper | Paper |
Bookshelf | Book | Book |
Bottle | Wine | Future |
Boulder | Stone | Stone |
Bouquet | Garden | Flower |
Box | Pandora | Beauty |
Bowser | Mario | Napoleon Complex |
Brazil | South America | Continent |
Bread | Wheat | Food |
Breadstick | Bread | Star |
Breakfast | Egg | Bacon |
Brick | Clay | Clay |
Bride | Wedding | Beauty |
Bro | Cowboy | Best Friend |
Broken Heart | Heart | Heartbreak |
Brownies | Mud | Chocolate |
Bruce Wayne | Batman | Alcohol |
Buddha | Tree | Wisdom |
Building | Construction | Construction |
Bullet | Glass | Train |
Bunker | House | Nuke |
Burn | Fire | Letter |
Bush | Weed | Weed |
Businessman | Skyscraper | Human |
Burnt Toast | Toast | Fire |
Butter | Toast | Oil |
C-3PO | Lightsaber | Robot |
Cactus | Desert | Plant |
Cake | Butter | Egg |
Calendar | Sun | Year |
Cambodia | Country | Angkor Wat |
Camelot | Camel | Dinosaur |
Cannon | Fire | Ship |
Cannonball | Fire | Cannon |
Cape Verde | Africa | Atlantic Ocean |
Captain | Pirate | Pirate Ship |
Captain Hook | Pirate | Dragon |
Car | Engine | Plant |
Carnivorous Plant | Venus Flytrap | Plant |
Casino | Vegas | Shark |
Castle | House | War |
Cat Video | YouTube | Cat |
Catholic | Religion | Mario |
Cauldron | House | Pot |
Cave | Bear | Earth |
Cemetary | Grave | Grave |
Centaur | Human | Horse |
Central Park | New York | Tree |
Ceramic | Pottery | Cauldron |
CD | Fire | Walkman |
Change | Obama | Hope |
Chaos | Universe | Entropy |
Cheese | Moon | Mud |
Cheetah | Leopard | Leopard |
Chef | Egg | Omelete |
Chest | Pirate | Treasure |
Chicken | Egg | Fire Flower |
Chicken Parm Lemonade | Chicken Parmesan | Lemonade |
Chicken Parmesan | Chicken | Cheese |
Child | Baby | Baby |
Chimera | Minotaur | Centaur |
Chimpanzee | Monkey | Peanut Butter |
China | Chinese | Island |
Chinese | Asia | Human |
Chocolate | Mud | Rainforest |
Christmas | Tree | Star |
Christmas Tree | Pine | Battery |
Chuck Norris | Serial Killer | Vomit |
Church | God | House |
Cider | Apple | Water |
Cinder | Ash | Dust |
City | Town | Town |
Clay | Mud | Mud |
Clean | Dust | Weed |
Cleopatra | King Arthur | Egypt |
Clock | Computer | Time |
Cloud | Wind | Steam |
Cloud Trap | Cloud | Venus Flytrap |
Cocoa | Chocolate | Soil |
Coin | Mud | Metal |
Cold | Fog | Sneeze |
Cologne | Alcohol | Perfume |
Computer | System | Fire |
Confucius | Book | Chinese |
Construction | Brick | Crane |
Continent | Island | Island |
Cooked | Animal | Fire |
Cookie | Animal | Oven |
Cookie Monster | Dragon | Cookie |
Cookie Shake | Cookie | Milkshake |
Coral | Seed | Ocean |
Coral Reef | Coral | Venus Flytrap |
Cosmos | Universe | Galaxy |
Cough | Pencil | Sick |
Cough Syrup | Cough | Alcohol |
Count | Vampire | Weed |
Countdown | Count | TV |
Country | City | Continent |
Cowboy | Jetski | Tumbleweed |
Crane | Swamp | Bird |
Crash | Plane | Fire |
Crocodile | Swamp | Tank |
Crocodile Hunter | Crocodile | YouTube |
Crocopig | Crocodile | Pig |
Crop | Field | Fire |
Cruise | Boat | Honeymoon |
Crusade | Bible | Battle |
Crusader | Knight | Paladin |
Crying | Broken Heart | Tearjerker |
Crypt | Tomb | Grave |
Cryptocurrency | Crypt | Hacker |
Cryptozoology | Loch Ness Monster | Bigfoot |
Cubs | Lion | Lioness |
Cuddly | Teddy Bear | Cheetah |
Cupid | Vase | Pegasus |
Curse | Mummy | Pot |
Cursed Coin | Cryptocurrency | Curse |
Cyborg | Computer | Android |
Cyclone | Planet | Tornado |
Dance | Party | Music |
Dandelion | Plant | Wind |
Dandelion Patch | Dandelion | Dandelion |
Darth Vader | Light Saber | Dragon |
Darwin | Monkey | Philosopher |
Death | Life | Vampire |
Death Note | Death | Anime |
Death Star | Star Wars | Planet |
Defenestration | Vomit | Window |
Demon | Hell | Grudge |
Dengue | Mosquito | Egg |
Denmark | Bacon | Europe |
Desert | Sand | Sand |
Destruction | Tornado | Tsunami |
Devil | Angel | Smoke |
Dinosaur | Rainbow | Fossil |
Disney | Magic | Park |
Divorce | Marriage | Love |
DJ | Human | Music |
Doctor | Sickness | Wisdom |
Doggie | Dog | Cookie |
Dominican Republic | Dom | Republic |
Donkey | Kong | Oil |
Donkey Kong | King Kong | Money |
Donkey Kong Country | Donkey Kong | Mario Bros |
Diddy Kong | Donkey Kong | Donkey Kong |
Double Katana | Katana | Katana |
Dowry | Wedding | Money |
Drawing | Pencil | Earth |
Dracula | Vampire | Earth |
Dragon | Swamp | Fire |
Dragon Ball | Goku | Asia |
Dragon Ball Z | Fight | Anime |
Dragon Ball Z Kai | Dragon Ball Z | Time |
Dragonborn | Splitting Pains | Dragon |
Dragonfly | Dandelion | Dragon |
Drone | Plane | Obama |
Drunk | Love | Rum |
Duck | Dandelion Patch | Lake |
Duckling | Duck | Water |
Dumbledore | Socrates | Harry Potter |
Dust | Wind | Earth |
Dust Bowl | Dust Storm | Sandstorm |
Dust Storm | Sandstorm | Sandstorm |
Dust Trap | Dust Storm | Venus Flytrap |
Dustpan | Dust | Pot |
Earthquake | Planet | Tsunami |
Easter | Jesus | Time |
Eclipse | Sun | Open |
Eden | Garden | Lily |
Eevee | Stone | Pokémon |
Egg | Dinosaur | Dinosaur |
Egypt | Planet | Sphinx |
Eiffel Tower | Skyscraper | Venus |
Elder | Dragon | Time |
Electric Guitar | Lightning | Music |
Electricity | Windmill | Wind |
Elon Musk | Tesla | Tuxedo |
Energy | Windmill | Fire |
Engine | Steam | Fire |
Eruption | Wind | Volcano |
Empire State Building | New York | House |
Emo | Mermaid | Goth |
Estonia | Baltic | Country |
Eternity | Time | Europe |
Europe | Fjord | Continent |
Eurovision | Japan | Europe |
Excalibur | Mud | Sword |
Eve | Adam | Venus |
Everest | Mountain Range | Mosquito |
Evolution | Theory | Time |
Explosion | Fire | Energy |
Social | Network | |
Fairy | Magic | Princess |
Fallout | Nuke | Water |
Family | Human | Human |
Farm | Tractor | Earth |
Fertility | Magic | Soil |
Fibonacci | Fart | Number |
Field | Farm | Earth |
Fight | Battle | War |
Figure Skating | Ice Skating | Itchy |
Finland | Eurovision | Win |
Fire Bird | Phoenix | Volcano |
Fire Flower | Fireball | Plant |
Fire King | Fireman | King |
Fire Tornado | Cyclone | Fire |
Fire Trap | Fire | Venus Flytrap |
Fire Truck | Firefighter | Firefighter |
Fire Queen | Fire King | Marriage |
Fireball | Fire | Fire Trap |
Firebird | Phoenix | Nuke |
Firefighter | Arsonist | Mirror |
Fireman | Doctor | Arsonist |
Fireplace | Fire | Bush |
Fish | Water | Ocean |
Fishbowl | Water | Fish |
Fishing | Fish | Lake |
Fjord | Lake | Mountain |
Flock | Bird | Bird |
Flower | Plant | Rain |
Flying | Kite | Wind |
Flying Bread | Toaster | Tornado |
Flying Car | Jet | Engine |
Flying Horse | Wind | Pegasus |
Flypaper | Dust Trap | Venus Flytrap |
Fog | Water | Smoke |
Food | Farmer | Plant |
Fool | Stupid | King |
Football | Dust Bowl | Mud |
Forest | Mountain | Tree |
Fortune | Paper | Cookie |
Fossil | Plant | Stone |
France | Napoleon Bonaparte | Land |
Frankenstein | Swamp | Electricity |
Freedom | America | Rainbow |
Fridge | Cold | Metal |
Friend | Like | |
Frog | Fish | Swamp |
Frog Prince | Kermit | Cupid |
Frogger | Frog | Truck |
Frost Dragon | Cold | Ice Dragon |
Fruit | Sun | Tree |
Fruit Tree | Fruit | Fruit |
Fuel | Engine | Food |
Future | Time | History |
Gambler | Vegas | Crocodile |
Garden | Love | Earth |
Galaxy | Star | Star |
Galleon | Harry Potter | Coin |
Gay | Catholic Church | Rainbow |
Geisha | Woman | Japan |
Genetically Modified Food | Food | Technology |
Genie | Princess | Bottle |
Germany | Berlin | Dust |
Geysir | Stone | Steam |
Ghost | Grave | Human |
Gift | Book | Wrapper |
Gingerbread | House | Cookie |
Girlfriend | Best Friend | Love |
Glass | Obsidian | Steam |
Glue | Flypaper | Fuel |
God | Universe | Eternity |
Godzilla | Dinosaur | Japan |
Gohan | Goku | Mountain |
Goku | Dragon Ball Z | Anime |
Gold | Money | Money |
Goldfish | Fire | Fishbowl |
Gold Bar | Gold | Gold |
Gold Ingot | Gold Bar | Gold Bar |
Golem | Swamp | Zombie |
Gordan Ramsay | Chef | YouTube |
Goth | Black | Passion |
Gotham | Batman | Castle |
Grave | Tomb | Love |
Graveyard | Cemetary | Cemetary |
Greatsword | Longsword | Longsword |
Grim Reaper | Death | Death |
Grudge | Grumpy | Revenge |
Grumpy | Sourpuss | Snake |
Gun | Weapon | Destruction |
Hacker | Internet | Computer |
Hammer | Thor | Weapon |
Hangover | Alcohol | Fog |
Hangry | Hangover | Itchy |
Hangwish | Hangover | Wish |
Hammerhead | Shark | Pork |
Hamster | Morning | Mouse |
Happily Ever After | Marriage | Garden |
Happiness | Bunny | Smile |
Hare | Rabbit | Smile |
Harp | Angel | Music |
Harry Potter | Owl | Pegasus |
Harry Potter and the Heat Death of the Universe | Harry Potter | Heat Death of the Universe |
Hatsune Miku | Android | J-pop |
Hawaii | Island | Volcano |
Hawaii Five-O | Napoleon Complex | Hawaii |
Heart | Cupid | Cupid |
Heartbreak | Death | Love |
Hedwig | Harry Potter | Hamster |
Hercules | Hydra | Zeus |
Hero | Zero | Jesus |
Hex | Curse | Curse |
Hexagon | Hex | Hex |
Hibernation | Bear | Cave |
Hippocampus | Sea | Flying Horse |
Hipster | New York | Cool |
History | Relic | Time |
Hive | Bee | Bee |
Hole | Black Hole | Earth |
Holy Water | Water | Wine |
Homer | Simpson | Family |
Honey | Bee | Star |
Honeycomb | Honey | Prison |
Hot Ones | YouTube | Hot Sauce |
Hot Spring | Cold | Geyser |
Hourglass | Time | Tornado |
House | Wall | Brick |
Human | Adam | Eve |
Hummingbird | Bird | Bee |
Hydra | Dragon | Monster |
Ice | Snow | Water |
Ice Cream | Popsicle | Popsicle |
Ice Cream Cone | Ice Cream | Ice Cream |
Ice Dragon | Cold | Dragon |
Iceberg | Titan | Water |
Iceland | Fjord | Volcano |
Igloo | Island | Ice |
Incense | Plant | Smoke |
Infinity | Zero | 8 |
Internet | Computer | Electricity |
IPod | Walkman | Music |
Iran | Country | Caspian Sea |
Ireland | Potato | Country |
Iron | Rust | Rust |
Italy | Pizza | Country |
Island | Ocean | Earth |
Jack | Titanic | Ariel |
Jack Frost | Jack | Igloo |
Jack Sparrow | Sunflower | Pirate |
Jail | Prison | Prisoner |
Jail Break | Jail | Bomb |
Jailbird | Bird | Prison |
James Bond | Jack | Tux |
Japan | Continent | Tea |
J-pop | Japan | Electric Guitar |
Jedi | Star Wars | Lightsaber |
Jedi Pig | Lightsaber | Pig |
Jelly | Peanut Butter | Park |
Jellyfish | Jelly | Island |
Jesus | Church | Son |
Jet | Plane | Plane |
Joy | Smile | Happiness |
Jungle | Rainforest | Rainforest |
Kaleidoscope | Mirror | Mirror |
Kamehameha | Goku | Water |
Kanye West | Rapper | Church |
Karma | Punishment | Rat |
Kelp | Plant | Seaweed |
Kermit | Miss Piggy | Fight |
Kindle | Amazon | Computer |
King | Palace | Stupid |
King Arthur | Camelot | Graveyard |
King Kong | Godzilla | Dinosaur |
KitKat | Chocolate | Japan |
Kite | China | Wind |
Knight | Robot | Paladin |
Knight Rider | Lightsaber | Car |
Knowledge | Owl | Unicorn |
Kraken | Sea Serpent | Pirate |
Kung Fu | Goku | Chinese |
Lake | Water | Water |
Landslide | Earth | Avalanche |
Laser | Lightning | Bullet |
Lava | Fire | Earth |
Lava Lamp | Lava | Lamp |
Lawyer | Human | Divorce |
Leaf | Wind | Tree |
League of Legends | Riot | Software |
Lebanon | Cedar | Country |
Lego | Star Wars | Brick |
Lemon | Fruit | Fossil |
Lemonade | Lemon | Lemon |
Lens | Fire | Glass |
Leopard | Lion | Tiger |
Leopard Bear | Leopard | Teddy Bear |
Leprechaun | Pot of Gold | Warrior |
Lesbian | Pride Month | Girl |
Letter | Mailbox | |
Leviathan | Crocodile | Megalodon |
Library | Bookshelf | Bookshelf |
Life | Venus | Steam |
Lighthouse | Lake | Stone |
Lightning | Fire | Cloud |
Lightsaber | Laser | Sword |
Like | Meme | |
Lily | Flower | Water |
Link | Mario | Longsword |
Lion | Zebra | Fire |
Lioness | Lion | Love |
Loch Ness | Swamp | Island |
Loch Ness Monster | Swamp | Monster |
Longsword | Sword | Sword |
Lotus | Lily | Flower |
Love | Mermaid | Prince |
Lovebird | Parrot | Cupid |
Luigi | Mario | Human |
Luffy | One Piece | Monkey |
Lunar | Moon | Lily |
Lunch Lady | Woman | Lunch |
Madden | Computer | Football |
Mafia | New York | Family |
Magic | Wizard | Witch |
Mailbox | Postman | Postman |
Man | Adam | Earth |
Manga | Book | Japan |
Mangrove | Tree | Swamp |
Mario | Donkey Kong | Screen |
Mario Bros | Super Mario | Luigi |
Mario Kart | Mario | Yoshi |
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe | Mario Kart | Money |
Marriage | Wedding | Love |
Mars | Planet | Chocolate |
Math | Tree | Number |
Mathematician | Human | Number |
Medusa | Mirror | Stone |
Megalodon | Shark | North America |
Meme | Mold | Internet |
Mermaid | Donkey | Sea |
Messi | Soccer | Dust |
Metal | Rock | Oxygen |
Meteor | Planet | Rock |
Metronome | Music | Clock |
Mexico | Desert | North America |
Micronesia | Country | Micro |
Microscope | Lens | Swamp |
Milk | Toilet | Cow |
Milky Way | Solar System | Fjord |
Mine | Iron | Mountain |
Minotaur | Centaur | Animal |
Mirage | Desert | Ocean |
Mirror | Glass | Obsidian |
Miss Piggy | Pig | Beauty |
Missile | Countdown | Drone |
Mist | Swamp | Wind |
Mistress | Woman | Mafia |
Mold | Virus | Rain |
Money | Treasure | Time |
Monkey | Jungle | Dust |
Monkey Wrench | Monkey | Wrench |
Monster | Loch Ness | Wind |
Monster Truck | Tractor | Swamp |
Moon | Earth | Reflection |
Moonstone | Moon | Stone |
Morning | Hangover | Night |
Mosquito | Swamp | Bee |
Mother-in-law | Woman | Terror |
Mountain | Earth | Earth |
Mouse | Garden | Cheese |
Movie | Popcorn | Love |
Mrs. Claus | Santa | Bride |
Mud | Steam | Earth |
Mud Bowl | Dust Bowl | Mud |
Muddy Pig | Mud | Crocopig |
Mule | Donkey | Farm |
Multiverse | Universe | Universe |
Mummy | Human | Dust |
Music | Rock | Roll |
Napoleon | Europe | Time Machine |
Napoleon Bonaparte | Napoleon Dynamite | Star |
Napoleon Complex | Napoleon Bonaparte | Paradox |
Napoleon Dynamite | Big Bang | Napoleon |
Narhwal | Fish | Unicorn |
Naruto | Anime | Ninja |
Nepal | Asia | Mount Everest |
Nessie | Loch Ness Monster | Smoke |
Netflix | Cinema | YouTube |
Netherlands | Windmill | Country |
Network | Internet | System |
New York | State of Liberty | House |
New Zealand | Rugby | Country |
Newton | Apple | Karma |
Night | Moon | Flower |
Nile | River | Reef |
Ninja | China | Warrior |
North America | Continent | America |
North Korea | Nuclear | Country |
Norway | Fjord | Country |
Nuclear | TV | Nuke |
Nuke | Missile | Death |
Number | Count | Count |
Nut | Squirrel | Sun |
Oasis | Desert | Water |
Obama | Politician | Hawaii |
Obsidian | Stone | Lava |
Ocean | Water | Lake |
Octave | Music | Number |
Odin | God | Divorce |
Odysseus | Odyssey | Homer |
Odysseus Rex | Odysseus | T-Rex |
Odyssey | Homer | Book |
Oedipus | Oedipus Rex | Tragedy |
Oedipus Rex | Odysseus Rex | Tragedy |
Oink | Pig | Mirror |
Olympus | Zeus | Mountain |
Omega | Alpha | War |
Omelet | Pancake | Egg |
One Piece | Pirate | Anime |
Open | Window | Perfume |
Oreo | Snake | Cookie |
Otaku | Anime | Computer |
Oven | Fireplace | Stone |
Owl | Bird | Flashlight |
Owlfish | Owl | Fish |
Paganini | Violin | YouTube |
Palace | House | Oasis |
Paladin | Palm | Spell |
Palm | Desert | Tree |
Pancake | Breakfast | Cake |
Panda | Black | Pig |
Pandora | Panda | Beauty |
Pandapig | Panda | Pig |
Pangaea | Continent | Continent |
Paparazzi | Stalker | Movie |
Paper | Tree | Wood |
Paradox | Multiverse | Time Travel |
Park | Garden | Garden |
Parrot | Bird | Garden |
Party | Best Friend | Music |
Passion | Love | Fire |
Peach | Mario | Princess |
Pegasus | Unicorn | Wind |
People | Land | POp |
Pencil | Ash | Tree |
Penguin | Antartica | Island |
Perfume | Incense | Water |
Peru | Country | Machu Picchu |
Peter Griffin | Baconator | Quaqmire |
Peter Pan | Captain Hook | Fire |
Philosopher | Squirrel | Wisdom |
Philosophy | Wisdom | Music |
Phoenix | Bird | Fire |
Phone | Newspapwer | Number |
Phone Number | Girlfriend | Number |
Pidgeot | Plane | Pokemon |
Pi | Infinity | Number |
Pie | Apple | America |
Pie Fight | Apple Pie | Fight |
Pig | Rainbow | Mud |
Piglet | Pig | Pig |
Pigpen | Mud | Pig |
Pikachu | Pokémon | Anime |
Pikasushi | Pikachu | Sushi |
Pilot | Plane | Human |
Pina Colada | Alcohol | Pineapple |
Pine | Smell | Forest |
Pineapple | Hawaii | Plant |
Piranha | Goldfish | Swamp |
Pirate | Ship | Dragon |
Pitcher of Lemonade | Lemonade | Lemonade |
Pizza | New York | Food |
Plane | Bird | Flying |
Planet | Earth | Dust |
Plant | Water | Earth |
Playboy | Man | Rabbit |
Pluto | Napoleon Complex | Planet |
Poem | Bird | Song |
Pokémon | Anime | Fish |
Pollen | Dust | Plant |
Polly | Parrot | Fireman |
Pollywag | Tornado | Polly |
Pop | Fire | Balloon |
Popcorn | Butter | Toast |
Pope | Catholic | Rich |
Popsicle | Jelly | Ice |
Port | Water | Village |
Postman | Owl | Harry Potter |
Pot | Vase | Vase |
Pot of Gold | Rainbow | Treasure |
Pottery | Clay | House |
Prayer | Incense | Smoke |
Prayer Water | Prayer | Water |
Pregnant | Tinkerbell | Fertility |
Present | Gift | Gift |
Pride | Lion | Lion |
Pride Month | Pride | Calendar |
Prince | Frog | Cupid |
Princess | Mule | Beauty |
Prison | Night | Sentence |
Prisoner | Squirrel | Prison |
Prison Break | Prison | Tsunami |
Prison Cake | Cake | Jail |
Prometheus | Titan | Fire |
Psalm | Hymn | Number |
Psychopath | Sicko | Love |
Pteranodon | Pterodactyl | Pterodactyl |
Pterodactyl | Bird | Dinosaur |
Quagmire | Swamp | Mud |
Queen | Princess | Crown |
Quicksand | Cloud Trap | Mud |
Rabbit | Animal | Dandelion |
Race | Chariot | Driver |
Racecar | Car | Engine |
Radiation | Toxic | Number |
Radio | Microscope | Wave |
Radio Tower | Radio | Radio |
Radio Waves | Radio Tower | Water |
Rain | Cloud | Earth |
Rainbow | Rain | Fire |
Rainbow Bear | Rainbow | Polar Bear |
Rainforest | Rain | Forest |
Rally | Mud | Car |
Rap | Rapper | Music |
Rapper | Human | DJ |
Rapunzel | Princess | Ruin |
Rat | Subway | City |
Reef | Coral | Coral |
Reflection | Mirror | Ghost |
Relativity | Einstein | Theory |
Relic | Antique | Time |
Retirement | Firefighter | Time |
Revenge | Sandwich | Karma |
Riot | Rally | Fire |
Roblox | Fortnite | Program |
Roll | Sushi | Seaweed |
Roman | Mars | Number |
Ronin | Samurai | Ninja |
Rose | Flower | Beauty |
Roulette | Gambler | Casino |
Ruin | Rain | Sandcastle |
Rum | Bottle | Pirate |
Rust | Car | Ash |
Sadness | Crying | Broken Heart |
Safari | Zoo | Zoo |
Sage | Philosopher | Wisdom |
Sail | Wind | Ship |
Sailor Moon | Anime | Frankenstein |
Santa | Christmas | Elder |
Sasuke | Ninja | Sword |
Saiyan | Goku | Flower |
Samurai | Japan | Warrior |
Sand | Dust | Dust |
Sandbox | Desert | Software |
Sandcastle | Beach | Sand |
Sandstorm | Desert | Storm |
Santa | Christmas | Cookie |
Sarcophagus | Mummy | Mummy |
Sashimi | Sushi | Rain |
Sasquatch | Bigfoot | Swamp |
Satellite | Earth | Radio Waves |
Science | Hourglass | Microscope |
Score | Game | Number |
Scratch | Jack | Itchy |
Screen | Computer | Glass |
Sea Monster | Water | Monster |
Sea Serpent | Water | Dragon |
Seaweed | Fish | Plant |
Sentence | Word | Word |
Serbia | Volleyball | Country |
Serial Killer | Stalker | Psychopath |
Server | Computer | Computer |
Shark | Surfer | Sea |
Shark Tank | Shark | Oil |
Ship | Water | Island |
Sick | Dengue | Vacation |
Sickness | Divorce | Sick |
Sicko | Movie | Sick |
Simpson | Family | Anime |
Singapore | Lion | Country |
Siren | Mermaid | Bacon |
Skeeter | Mosquito | Seaweed |
Skyscraper | Empire State Building | House |
Slingshot | Weapon | Stone |
Slushie | Jelly | Snow |
Smell | Perfume | Steam |
Smile | Sun | Mushroom |
Smoke | Wind | Fire |
Smoker | Cigarette | Smoke |
Sneeze | Allergy | Wind |
Sniper | Gun | Telescope |
Snow | Avalanche | Steam |
Snowman | Rain | Yeti |
Soccer | Football | Football |
Social | Network | Internet |
Socrates | Wisdom | Squirrel |
Software | System | Computer |
Soggy Bread | Toaster | Water |
Soil | Earth | Ash |
Solar | Sun | Fire |
Solar Flare | Solar Wind | Fire |
Solar Panel | Sun | Electricity |
Solar System | Sun | Galaxy |
Solar Wind | Solar System | Wind |
Song | Radio | Music |
Sorbet | Fruit | Ice |
Sourpuss | Lemon | Owl |
South Africa | Cape Town | Africa |
South America | North America | Pangaea |
South Korea | Country | South |
Spain | Sand | Europe |
Spell | Curse | Hex |
Splitting Pains | Divorce | Window |
Square | Area | Number |
Squid | Kraken | Water |
Squidward | Squid | Tourist |
Squirrel | Tree | Mouse |
Stalker | Psychopath | Love |
Star | Planet | Planet |
Star Wars | Star | Lightsaber |
Statue | Stone | America |
Statue of Liberty | Lighthouse | Boulder |
Steam | Water | Fire |
Steampunk | Planet | Steam |
Steampunk Pirate | Ocean | Steampunk |
Steampunk Pirate Ship | Steam | Steampunk Pirate |
Steampunk Plant | Steampunk Pirate | Plant |
Steampunk Tree | Steampunk Plant | Smoke |
Steel | Iron | Iron |
Sticky Note | Glue | Technology |
Stone | Earth | Lava |
Stonehenge | Steampunk Pirate Ship | Stone |
Storm | Rain | Wind |
Stripes | Tiger | Love |
Stupid | Donkey | Cupid |
Subscribe | YouTube | Heart |
Subway | Steam | Train |
Sun | Star | Fire |
Sunflower | Sun | Flower |
Sunrise | Morning | Mountain |
Superman | Goku | America |
Supernova | Planet | Robot |
Super Mario | Mario | Luigi |
Super Mario Bros | Super Mario | Mario Bros |
Super Mario Bros 2 | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario Bros |
Super Mario Bros 3 | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario Bros 2 |
Super Mario World | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario Bros 3 |
Super Mario 3D World | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario World |
Super Mario 3D World + Bowser’s Fury | Super Mario Bros | Super Mario 3D World |
Super Saiyan | Goku | Dragon Ball Z |
Surf | Steam | Wave |
Surfboard | Surfer | Surfer |
Surfer | Tsunami | Pilot |
Surfing | Surfer | Surfboard |
Sushi | Mountain | Seaweed |
Swamp | Lake | Earth |
Sweden | Cool | Europe |
Sweep | Broom | Number |
Switzerland | Country | Mountain |
Sword | Blade | Blade |
System | Planet | Solar |
T-1000 | Terminator | Weapon |
T-Rex | Death | Dinosaur |
T-Rump | T-Rex | Trump |
Tango | Dance | Number |
Tank | Ship | Tractor |
Tank Truck | Monster Truck | Tank |
Tarzan | Jungle | Book |
Taxi | New York | Car |
Tea | Plant | Steam |
Teapot | Tea | Earth |
Tearjerker | Tears | Book |
Tears | Heartbreak | Human |
Tea-zilla | Godzilla | Tea |
Technology | Science | Science |
Teddy Bear | Love | Bear |
Teddy Lion | Teddy Bear | Lion |
Telescope | Moonstone | Window |
Tempest | Storm | Tea |
Terminator | Robot | Relic |
Terrorist | Bomb | Freedom |
Tesla | Car | Electricity |
Tesla Tower | Tesla | Tesla |
Thailand | Asia | Beach |
Thanksgiving | Turkey | Honey |
Theater | Movie | Popcorn |
Theory | Einstein | Dust |
Therapist | Doctor | Devil |
Thor | Odin | Cosmos |
Thunder | Lightning | Beauty |
Tiger | Tiger Lily | Love |
Tiger Lily | Earth | Captain Hook |
Time | Paradox | Time Paradox |
Timebomb | Clock | Bomb |
Time Machine | Wormhole | Time Travel |
Time Paradox | Black Hole | Time Travel |
Time Travel | Black Hole | Wormhole |
Tinder | Love | Technology |
Tinkerbell | Peter Pan | Earth |
Titan | Kraken | Earth |
Titanic | Iceberg | Boat |
Toast | Breakfast | Fire |
Toaster | Robot | Bread |
Toilet | Venus Flytrap | Clean |
Tokyo | Godzilla | Island |
Tomb | Mummy | Earth |
Tool | Earth | Monkey Wrench |
Tornado | Wind | Wind |
Tornadroll | Troll | Tornado |
Tourist | Vacation | Statue |
Town | Village | Village |
Tractor | Mud | Engine |
Tragedy | Sadness | Book |
Train | Steam | Engine |
Transistor | Engine | Radio |
Treasure | Pirate | Earth |
Treasure Map | Map | Pencil |
Tree | Earth | Plant |
Tree of Knowledge | Tree of Life | Universe |
Tree of Life | Tree | Universe |
Troll | Earth | Monster |
Truck | Box | Car |
Trump | America | Drunk |
Trump Cake | Trump | Cake |
Tsunami | Water | Tornado |
Tumbleweed | Kelp | Dust Storm |
Turkey (bird) | Bird | Christmas |
Turkey (country) | Country | Istanbul |
Tutankhamun | Mummy | Egypt |
TV | Screen | Screen |
Twilight | Vampire | Love |
Typhoon | Tea | Tempest |
Ukraine | Country | Sunflower |
Underworld | Hades | Hades |
United Kingdom | Europe | Tea |
Unicorn | Godzilla | Rainbow |
Universe | Galaxy | Black Hole |
USA | America | Sun |
Utopia | Planet | Future |
Vacation | Pina Colada | Ocean |
Vampire | Mirror | Bullet |
Vampire Diaries | Vampire | YouTube |
Vanity | Pride | Love |
Vantablack | Mirror | Black |
Vase | House | Pottery |
Vegas | Shark | America |
Vegeta | Goku | Earth |
Venus | Planet | Fog |
Venus Flytrap | Monster | Flower |
Vietnam | Cannabis | War |
Vikings | Land | Fjord |
Village | Family | Family |
Vine | Glue | Plant |
Vintage | Time | Wine |
Virus | Hacker | Internet |
Volcano | Mountain | Earth |
Vomit | Burnt Toast | Sick |
Wall | Trump | Party |
Walkman | Radio | Transistor |
War | China | Japan |
Warlock | Warrior | Weapon |
Warrior | Amazon | War |
Wave | Water | Wind |
Weapon | Fire | Tool |
Weather | Wisdom | Storm |
Wedding | Wine | Castle |
Wedding Ring | Iron | Marriage |
Weed | Hacker | Plant |
Were-lion | Werewolf | Lion |
Were-turkey | Werewolf | Turkey |
Werewolf | Garden | Moon |
Wheat | Crop | Farmer |
Wind Farm | Windmill | Windmill |
Windmill | Engine | Wind |
Window | Glass | Glass |
Wind Turbine | Wind Farm | Wind Farm |
Wine | Plant | Alcohol |
Wisdom | Owl | Smoke |
Wish | Genie | Lamp |
Witch | Tree | Spell |
Witch Hut | Witch | Witch |
Wizard | Paladin | Witch |
Wizard Tower | Wizard | Wizard |
Wolf | Animal | Forest |
Wolf Pack | Wolf | Wolf |
Woman | Man | Love |
Wood | Tree | Forest |
Word | Letter | Letter |
Workshop | Tool | Building |
Wormhole | Black Hole | Black Home |
Wrapper | Chocolate | Paper |
Wreck | Car | Nuke |
Yeti | Blizzard | Monster |
Yggdrasil | Tree of Life | Titan |
Yin Yang | Phoenix | Dragon |
Yoda | Star Wars | Chocolate |
Yoshi | Mario | Dinosaur |
Yoshi Egg | Yoshi | Yoshi |
YouTube | Geysir | Internet |
YouTuber | YouTube | Baby |
Zambia | Africa | Victoria Falls |
Zebra | Stripes | Stripes |
Zen Garden | Yin Yang | Garden |
Zero | Number | Fire |
Zeus | Titan | Wind |
Zombie | Human | Explosion |
Zoo | Penguin | Park |
Zookeeper | Zoo | Star |
1 | Number | Jesus |
2 | 1 | 1 |
3 | 2 | 1 |
4 | Number | Ash |
5 | Number | 4 |
6 | Fire | 5 |
7 | Kanye West | Number |
8 | Number | Mountain |
9 | High Five | 4 |
10 | Number | Monster |
El juego está en inglés aunque hay formas de cambiarlo a español gracias a la propia comunidad. No obstante, al no ser un elemento oficial dentro del juego hemos decidido dejarlo en inglés. Además, es mucho más fácil así identificar los elementos de las recetas de Infinite Craft ya que muchos de ellos repiten con el icono y puede ser un auténtico lío.
Las combinaciones más raras de Infinite Craft
Hay combinaciones rarísimas de recetas en Infinite Craft como son Messi, Disney o Elon Musk. Para poder desbloquearlas es tan sencillo como combinar los siguientes elementos:
- Zoo y Animal Kingdom: Disney
- Country y Argentina: Messi
- Terminator y Arnold arnold schwarzenegger: Weed
- Cyborg y Weed: Bionic Bud
- Bower y Mario: Napoleon Complex
- Bruce Wayne y Batman: Alcohol
- Catholic y Religion: Mario
- Kong y Oil: Donkey
- Donkey Kong y Mario Bros: Donkey Kong Country
- Tesla y Tuxedo: Elon Musk
- Mermaid y Goth: Emo
- Catholic Church y Rainbow: Gay
- Rapper y Church: Kanye West
- Mario Kart y Money: Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
- Woman y Terror: Mother in Law (suegra)
- Kanye West y Numer: 7
Lo interesante de Infinite Craft es que podrás hacer combinaciones de todo tipo con los resultados más extravagantes posibles. Pero también tiene mecánicas muy interesantes, como aquellas que siguen patrones alquimicos.
Puedes combinar ingredientes raros para crear pociones con efectos únicos. Por ejemplo, mezclar “polvo de dragón” con “esencia de noche” podría producir una poción de invisibilidad. Además, las combinaciones se vuelven más complejas a medida que avanzas, permitiendo crear elementos más complejos a partir de combinaciones previas.
Los elementos del jueho se suelen categorizar en diferentes grupos, como materiales naturales, materiales manufacturados, vida, tecnología, etc. Esto ayuda a organizar y gestionar las combinaciones. A medida que descubres nuevas combinaciones, el juego puede ofrecer una sensación de progreso mediante la evolución de un mundo o la construcción de un ecosistema. De ahí se debe du gran éxito.
Y estas son todas las recetas de Infinite Craft. Recuerda que algunos elementos pueden crearse usando varios ingredientes distintos. ¡A combinar!
Y si te gusta Infinite Craft, no te puedes perder otras guías del juego: cómo jugar con el móvil, o si está generado por una IA.